Terms and Conditions

  • Paws Outdoors is and always will be a social, informal convention of people of many different walks of life. When you attend Paws Outdoors, you will see friends, you may make new friends and in some cases you may find people that you don’t get along with. This is fine, everyone is different, but please be polite about it. Please do not come up to a staff member and say “X is here, why is X here? I hate X and you shouldn’t have let X come!”

    The solution to a good time is simple: Be polite, use common sense and respect others. If someone you dislike is at the event, avoid interacting with them. If you think someone is harassing you in any way, or you have legitimate non-personal concerns, talk to one of the Paws Outdoors staff and they’ll try to help you sort out the issue. If someone tells you it’s not okay... then it’s not okay, and if you persist it could possibly get you banned, or the matter may be handed over to NSW law enforcement.

    If you think someone is harassing you in any way, or you have legitimate non-personal concerns, talk to one of the Paws Outdoors staff and they’ll try to help you sort out the issue. They will be wearing high visibility vests around the conspace, or can be found in the Convention Operations (Con-Ops) area.

    Speech of any form that promotes discrimination, harassment or violence against others based on race, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, religion or nationality is strictly prohibited. Symbolism attached to ‘alt-right’, ‘alt-furry’ or any other extremist groups are forbidden to be worn, shown or propagated at any Paws Outdoors associated or auspice events. We will not tolerate intimidation or harassment of attendees for any reason.

    You may possibly see costumes and fancy-dress at Paws Outdoors. These people are expressing themselves and they are also at the event to have fun. Please do not impede on their good time. Also be aware that A Costume Is NOT Consent - nobody has the right to be touched or mistreated just because they’re wearing something out of the ordinary. If somebody does not want to be touched or hugged, please respect their personal space. Just because they are wearing a costume does not mean you have the right to touch them.

    While costuming in any capacity is very welcome, please be aware that this is an event where many walks of life are to be considered. A dress code does apply and anything deemed inappropriate may lead to the owner/wearer of the costume being asked to leave the event. Please check the guidelines below:

    In all spaces please wear street appropriate clothing (at minimum a shirt, pants and footwear, being in public areas or the convention space in just your underwear is not permitted). Enclosed footwear is recommended at Paws Outdoors Events due to uneven/rocky surfaces. Certain areas of the campsite may require enclosed footwear.

    Overly revealing clothing or accoutrements widely described as “Fetish Gear” are only to be worn inside the campsite area and not in public spaces of the campgrounds. This includes but is not limited to leashes, harnesses, full body rubber or vinyl, age-play related costume, electric shock devices, training muzzles, bondage or sense deprivation wear, gags, gimp masks or plug style tails.

    Collars are acceptable, provided they are not shock collars or choke collars.

    Sled dog harnesses are acceptable when worn as part of a costume.

    Headwear commonly referred to as “pup hoods” are acceptable in the convention space provided they are worn in conjunction with streetwear appropriate for a public setting.

    Costumes revealing inappropriate or explicit parts of the wearer's anatomy, such as genitalia, are not permitted.

    Costumes that are “Anatomically correct” are not permitted.

    Weapons, either real or fake, are not permitted unless previously approved by Event staff prior to the event. This includes but is not limited to prop weapons, replica weapons, foam guns or silly string.

    If you are uncertain of something you wish to wear or bring to the convention space, please visit con-ops first and the staff will be happy to answer any queries.

    During your time at Paws Outdoors, you will see costumes of many kinds. Costumes, such as fursuits, are one of the most visually appealing aspects of our events but they also need to be respected in order to keep them safe. Please be aware of the fact that the person in the costume may have very limited vision, and may have a limited amount of time they can spend before they will need to take a rest/pause to cool down. Please do not ask unrealistic things of attendees in costume (including, but not limited to: climbing trees, running in a specific direction for your video, jumping, etc.) unless they specifically state that they are OK with doing such actions.

    Also be aware of the fact that other attendees are wearing their costumes as a means of self-expression, that is, they are not specifically there for your entertainment. For example, you may wish to approach an attendee in costume for a hug. Wave or speak to them to get their attention and politely ask them, but please do not be offended if they say no as some people are uncomfortable with being hugged. Please respect their wishes and respect their personal space.

    Under NO circumstances should you grab parts of a costume, such as a tail, without clear verbal consent. Anyone found to be damaging or mistreating another person’s costume will face consequences the same as if you were harassing or bullying someone. You may even be expected to pay for repairs or replacement costs.

    Do not approach an attendee in costume from behind. If you want to get their attention, approach them from the front and speak or wave to get their attention. Some attendees in costume will not speak - some prefer to use pantomime in order to communicate. Please respect their method of performing.

    If you are planning to wear a costume please make sure that you are prepared for the day, organise a handler for yourself, keep your belongings in a safe and compact space and plan for needing your own hydration. Most costume friendly events will have a private area for you to change, however this is not guaranteed.

    “Headless” areas will be designated for attendees wearing costumes known as “fursuits” and their designated handlers only. However if you are using this space, please do not treat it like your own bedroom. It is a space for all attendees in fursuit to use, please be courteous and try not to take up a lot of space. If you are done wearing your fursuit for the day/evening, please pack up your costume and store it in an appropriate area, not in the designated headless area. If you are in costume and you feel unwell, get help immediately. Do NOT try to push through it for the sake of a photo/walk/etc.

    We do like to remind people that we are often in public spaces and the public eye. While we respect that everyone has different values, please keep in mind that you are in the company of others. Most members of the public won’t mind seeing you hug your partner, but please keep all behaviour appropriate for a level of public decency. Sexually charged behaviour in or around the convention space and events will not be tolerated, as well as badges, stickers or identifiers that are of a NSFW (Not Safe for Work) nature.

    While it might be fun to make your own personal mark, we ask that you do not place stickers or marks on any property not intended for that purpose, such as a convention sponsored sticker wall. It can incur fines and possibly criminal charges relating to vandalism and/or graffiti and it’s disrespectful to the venues, public spaces and local communities that strive to keep their property clean and presentable for everyone. It also affects our ability to work with the venues and spaces to provide you all a fantastic event experience.

    If you want to leave your mark in the form of a sticker, we’ll have a bulletin board in the main area that you can add your own sticker to, provided it is inoffensive and SFW (Safe For Work).

    Be aware that photos and video will be taken at Paws Outdoors. If you do not wish to be in photos or video footage, please politely tell the photographer/videographer and make an effort to stay clear if they are attending something larger (group shots/fursuit shots/etc.). For those with cameras we do ask that you respect the wishes of the attendees and try to work with them so that everyone is able to have the best time possible. Photos or any recorded media are strictly prohibited in the Headless Lounge and Con-Ops areas.

    When you register for Paws Outdoors, you will be given an official convention badge. This badge is your identification for any and all events that you attend during Paws Outdoors. You will be required to produce this for entry to the convention space and scheduled events, so make sure you have it on you! Using another person’s badge, using or producing a counterfeit badge, or “ghosting”, will result in you and the owner of the badge being asked to leave the event and you may both be banned from attending further events.

    Please be mindful of smoking or vaping within event spaces and around other attendees, as others may not be comfortable with the smell/smoke.

    If you plan to bring a bag into the conspace, please be aware our volunteers and staff may ask to inspect the contents of your bag for the safety of the convention space. Refusing to allow a bag inspection may result in you being asked to leave the event.

  • At Paws Outdoors, we understand that Alcohol is brought to events. This is a personal choice, however we do ask that a little common sense be used so that everyone can have a great time, make sure that you pace your drinking and always have a plan on how you will get back to your tent/bunk bed.

    A few specific guidelines are here for your convenience.

    If you are intoxicated and your actions become irresponsible, Paws Outdoors staff retain the right to ask you to leave the scheduled activity or spaces. If you refuse you may be banned from attending further events. If you become intoxicated to the point that you are a danger to yourself or others, Paws Outdoors will arrange an ambulance at your own cost.

    Certain activities/events may be held in alcohol free zones. It is illegal in the state of NSW to consume alcohol or be intoxicated in these zones. Attendees found consuming or being under the effects of alcohol in an alcohol free zone will be asked to leave the activity/event.

  • At Paws Outdoors, we do not condone the abuse of substances in scheduled activities and spaces. This includes the use of any substance regarded as illegal in the State of NSW as well as the recreational use of prescription medication.

    Persons found impaired by drugs or illegal substances for recreational purposes at Paws Outdoors Events/Activities may be asked to leave the event.

    Persons found selling drugs or illegal substances will be removed from the event.

  • Paws Outdoors reserves the right to deny entry, revoke registration, or remove from the Event facilities any person who in our sole and absolute discretion is behaving or threatening to behave in a manner which we reasonably consider to be disruptive of the Event or in contravention of the rules. We will revoke your registration and access to events if it is the opinion of one or more of the organisers that you are in contravention of the rules.

    Registrations are limited to 1 per purchaser. This is to prevent scalping.

    In the event of the organisers revoking an attendee’s registration due to breach of the rules and conditions, Paws Outdoors is not required to refund that attendee all or part of the registration fee unless required by Australian Consumer Law.

    Registration to Paws Outdoors Events is refundable up to 30 days before the convention, but currently not transferable. If you require a refund on your registration, please contact the staff at pawsoutdoorsau@gmail.com. Registration details cannot be changed after the refund period closes. There is a non-refundable deposit of 40% of the ticket or merchandise price for each transaction.